Membership Information

Clinical Research Forum Membership

Thank you for your interest in the Clinical Research Forum. We are proud to serve as the collective voice of senior thought leaders in clinical and translational science research. See our board and leadership. 

The Clinical Research Forum is recognized by the leading academic health centers in the nation, industry and government as a trusted resource and valued partner within the clinical research community. Members are the senior leaders of their institutions, including deans, associate deans, senior faculty, and Clinical and Translational Science Institute directors. 

Be Part of a Collective Voice for Change

As a member of the Clinical Research Forum, you will join a group of unified voices that supports the broader interests and needs of clinical and translational science research, and educates policymakers on the nation's investment in clinical research to benefit the health and welfare of its citizens. Through CR Forum, members can participate in the Coalition for Clinical and Translational Science, a group of multidisciplinary stakeholders who have been successful advocating on the federal level for increases in NIH funding. 

Exclusive Networking Opportunities 

Opportunities are available year-round to convene leaders at the highest levels in academic institutions, the pharmaceutical industry, information technology industry, and government to communicate and draw upon their perspectives on big issues affecting the clinical research enterprise. 

Receive Distinguished Recognition 

Each year, CR Forum honors the most outstanding clinical research accomplishments, major advances that could have a profound impact on human health, through the Top 10 Clinical Research Achievement Awards. In addition to this prestigious competition, gain recognition by interacting with colleagues about best practices, sharing solutions to obstacles, or speaking at one of the member events. 

Member Benefits

The CR Forum is an organizational membership association. Academic health centers, industry partners, and IT partners can include as many members of their senior staff as they wish under the all-inclusive membership. Membership includes:

  • Discounted membership registration to all CR Forum events, including the Translational Science meeting. 
  • Monthly federal policy and funding informational conference call 
  • Bi-weekly federal policy and funding newsletter update 
  • Bi-monthly CR Forum membership news 
  • Opportunities to participate on task forces and committees on issues of importance
  • Recognition as a leader in clinical and translational science research 

Academic health center membership is $9,500 annually. Corporate partner membership is $10,000. 

Please fill out the membership application below. If you know the members of your senior staff that you would like to include under the organizational membership, please fill out this Excel form and upload it through the application tool below. 

For more information, please contact the CR Forum office via e-mail or call (202) 367-1167.